


The Department of Education (the department) is committed to ensuring Queensland children and families have access to a kindergarten program wherever they live.

The department provides kindergarten programs in selected approved State Schools in communities where families would otherwise not have access to a kindergarten program. Kindergarten is proudly provided at our school 5 days per week. We offer an approved kindergarten program delivered by a qualified teacher to children who are at least four years old by 30 June in the year they start the program.

The kindergarten program at our school is currently operating Monday, Tuesday and alternate Wednesdays from 8:30am - 2:30pm. The children attend Kindergarten on the Wednesdays of the odd weeks of the school term.

Kindergarten program hours

The Kindergarten program at our school is currently operating Mondays, Tuesdays and alternate Wednesdays.


To participate in our Kindergarten program children must have turned 4 before 30 June. There is no opportunity for early entry into the Kindergarten program.

Age eligibility - Year child born

Child can attend Kindergarten

Children who turn 4 by June 30th 2024


Children who turn 4 from July 1st 2020 - June 30th 2021


Enrolment forms

Please submit the following forms as well as any additional documentation to the school to secure a place for your child in the kindergarten program:

Additional documents required

  • Birth certificate
  • Immunisation history statement
  • Medical management plan if required) 

Contact us during office hours - Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 3.00pm to make an appointment.

Why is Kindy important?

Our school's Kindergarten program is based on the Queensland kindergarten learning guideline which provides advice for planning, interacting with children, monitoring and assessing learning as teachers engage children in active, language rich learning through play, real-life engagements, routines and transitions. 

Foundations for Success External link is a resource which acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples ways of knowing and being, and supports the embedding of personal and cultural identities and connections with families and communities in the learning program. The kindergarten program further develops children's thinking and problem-solving skills as well as their language, social and creative capabilities. These skills form the foundations for engaging in the content of the Foundation–Year 2 requirements of the Australian Curriculum, supporting continuity of learning for children across kindergarten to Year 2 and a successful transition to Prep.

Last reviewed 14 March 2024
Last updated 14 March 2024